Here are the links to my favorite things list in your gift bags this Christmas! More details, website links, and discount amounts are below:
1. Restore Hyper Wellness & Cryotherapy: $25 off any service at Restore! Choose from Cryotherapy, Infared Sauna, IV Drip Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy & Cryo Skin treatments! Must have gift card to redeem. Expiration date is 2.28.19.
2. Lake Hills Pharmacy: 25% off any supplements purchase! Lake Hills Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy offering wellness consultations as well as pharmaceutical grade wellness supplements. Must have card to redeem. Expiration date is 1/31/19.
3. Fabrik (Hill Country Galleria): 20% off your purchase at Fabrik--Whoop Whoop! My fave little boutique in the Galleria and where I get all of my fun feathery earrings;) Expiration date is 2.28.19 so get in there and shop! Must have gift card to redeem and shop.
4. Nancy Eldridge Massage- $20 off your (1) hr massage with Nancy AND if you buy a gift card for a friend (or refer a friend during the month of January 2019) you will also receive $20 off their first massage! Must have business card to redeem. Expiration date is 2.28.19- meaning massage must be booked prior to 2.28.19. Text Nancy at (512) 633-7211 to book.
5. Dr. Teals Avocado Oil Moisturizing Epsom Salt Mineral Soak- Most of you know I am obsessed with my epsom salt baths, and this is my absolute favorite brand! You can get at any local grocery/drug store. Soak and Enjoy!
6. Dr. Bronner's Pure Castille Soap- Bath soap and Shave Gel ??!! Whaatt? You read that right, I only use this soap as both bath soap and shave gel, because why spend extra money just to put more chemicals on your body?! And you won't believe the list of other things it can be used for (as listed on side of bottle and diluted: dog wash, floor cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, hair shampoo, laundry detergent, fruit and veggie cleaner and as a pesticide spray for plants!) Plus this peppermint flavor is exhilarating and so festive for this time of year:) I purchase mine at either Whole Foods or most recently, even at HEB! They are really stepping up their game as of late;)
7. Zum Clean Aromatherapy Sweet Orange laundry soap- Your house will smell AMAZING after running your laundry through this detergent made with all natural ingredients and essential oils! They have other scents as well, but this is my favorite! It is now available at HEB as well:)
8. Gratitude Journal- I spend every morning before I get out of bed, expressing gratitude for all of the blessings I have in my life, my health, Vasher, my studio and of course all of my wonderful clients! I think we should all slow down and meditate and visualize all of the things we have in this life to be thankful for. And this little book will be a reminder for you. Whether you do it first thing in the morning, or at the end of your day before you go to sleep, hopefully this journal will be a wonderful way to collect your thoughts and goals and ambitions and a nice reminder of how great our lives really are:)
9. Crystal Quartz- Clear quartz is the most healing and versatile stone among crystals. It is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention, as well as protecting against negativity, attuning to your higher self, and relieving pain. So, obviously the perfect crystal gift for you all! Read the above hyperlink to learn more!
10. Pomegranate Health-Ade Kombucha Body Scrub- Y'all know how much I love my Health-Ade kombucha!! So of course, I had to make it into a lovely holiday body scrub for you:) My favorite flavor is the Pomegranate, but I also love the Pink Lady Apple and Lemon Ginger (perfect for an upset stomach, as opposed to the sugary old Ginger Ale remedy!) You can purchase Health-Ade locally at HEB and Whole Foods. Here is a site that shows you some of the great benefits to adding Kombucha to your life: Click Here
11. Vegan Brownie Batter Protein Bites: OMGOSH y'all...these things are to DIE FOR! I try to keep these on hand for my post dinner treat and they are so rich I really only need one or two! Plus, the added protein makes me feel much less guilty. I have given you a little sample in your bags, but they are so easy to make- link is above! Enjoy!!
Hope you love all of your gifts! Merry Christmas!!